Advanced Clinical Reasoning Sessions

Following on from the successful clinical reasoning session in October, and the feedback about which days are best for people, the following dates have been set for the sessions. The most popular days are Tuesday and Wednesday so these dates have been rotated every 2 months. LES understands that clinicians are busy hence every 2 months rather than every month.

Cost: Free for clinicians who have attended a LES Level 2 training course.

Time: 7.00 – 8.15 pm Eastern standard day light saving time / eastern standard time depending on the time of the year


  • Tuesday 20th February
  • Wednesday 24th April
  • Tuesday 18th June
  • Wednesday 21st August
  • Tuesday 29th October

Please fill in the registration form below and choose which dates that you can attend. If you are not sure choose the date. You will receive calendar invites for each sessions and if something comes up you cancel via the invite. You will also receive these session on your LES dashboard and that is where you can upload your case studies and fill in the evaluation form to receive your CPD certificate.

Choose the areas you would like to be discussed

Mentoring Sessions

The following dates have been set for the sessions
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