Taking into consideration Frances's L-dex scores answer the the questions below.
Helena Assessment Part 1
Helena has been referred to you for a pre operative assessment and education. She was born in May 1976. She will undergo a right wide local excision (WLE) and axillary
Jenny Assessment Part 2
Objective Assessment Her L- dex score = 35 After reviewing the photos below complete the form regarding observation.
Jenny Assessment Part 1
Jenny has booked in for a review. What you already know Jenny, a 55‐year‐old female is diagnosed with melanoma in her upper left arm. She hastwo daughters, Samantha (16 years
How to perform the pitting test
How to use the Lymphscanner
Circumference Video
https://vimeo.com/449565092 A copy of the circumference form is available from the button below. Circumference Form
Observation Video
Watch the following short video that talks through observation of a client with chronic oedema. https://vimeo.com/449559995