Become a Lymphoedema Practitioner – Level 1

Last updated: October 29, 2020
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The Level 1 Lymphoedema Courses provide the practitioner with the opportunity to develop their knowledge, skills and clinical reasoning in the management of uncomplicated lymphoedema. Each practitioner brings with them a wealth of knowledge in assessing and managing a variety of health conditions. These courses will utilise and expand upon their current knowledge and skills to facilitate their learning experience. It is hoped on completion it will have stimulated and enticed the practitioner to further explore various aspects of lymphoedema management and their role as a lymphoedema practitioner

Lymphoedema Education Solutions offers you a unique opportunity to build your Level 1 lymphoedema education experience. There are three course options:

  • Upper Limb Level 1 Lymphoedema Course (Click here for course description, dates and registration)
  • Lower Limb Level 1 Lymphoedema Course (Chronic Oedema Lower Limb Course – Click here for course description, dates and registration)
  • The Complete Level 1 Lymphoedema Course (Lower Limb + Upper Limb Level 1 Lymphoedema courses). This option is currently required to be eligible to be registered on the ALA National Lymphoedema Practitioners Register as a Category 1 practitioner details can be found at

Course Details

Click the headings below for course information.

The course is open to registered health professionals only (Division 1 Nurses, Medical Practitioners, Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists). Please note if you have had treatment for cancer, have lymphoedema or are pregnant please indicate this on the registration form as it may affect your suitability to attend the course.

The course is developed around four themes.
Theme 1

The role of the lymphoedema practitioner and its development.

Theme 2

Knowledge development in the following areas:

  • Anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic system;
  • Pathophysiology of lymphoedema;
  • Cancer and its management (breast cancer, gynaecological cancer and melanoma);
  • Oedema differential diagnosis;
  • Assessment of lymphoedema;
  • Psychosocial aspects of lymphoedema;
  • Management of lymphoedema.

Theme 3

Lymphoedema skill development in the following areas;

  • Assessment;
  • Treatment of upper and lower limb uncomplicated lymphoedema.

Theme 4

Applied practice. The focus of this theme is in developing skills that are required for clinical practice. It integrates elements from the other 3 themes and has a focus on clinical reasoning.

The key characteristics of the Level 1 lymphoedema course curriculum are:

Continuum of Health Professional Education

The course provides opportunities for developing the practitioner’s education in lymphoedema management taking into account their profession and at the same time acknowledging that each practitioner will bring to the course expertise and knowledge in a variety of areas.

Cased Based Learning

The course is underpinned by the exploration of lymphoedema management through case studies that will facilitate integration of information and skills to specific lymphoedema conditions. This will facilitate an authentic learning experience.

Interdisciplinary Care

The course fosters an appreciation of interdisciplinary teamwork and explores the roles and their development of lymphoedema practitioners across professions. The participant will have specific areas of expertise that they can draw upon and assist other learners.

Integrated Curriculum

The goal of the integrated curriculum of this course is to bring the learner beyond skill and concept acquisition to creativity and evidence based decision-making and implementation in practice.

The course is divided into sections. Each section has a distance learning component and a face to face component. The course is underpinned by evidencebased learning and the content reflects the current best practice in lymphoedema management

Distance Learning Component

The distance learning component is included via Lymphoedema Educations Solutions (LES) online Learning Management System and via the e-learning modules provided by Klose Training and 3M. It includes readings, online presentations and activities to assist you in developing knowledge on various topics. Your prior learning will influence how much time you will need to spend on each section. There are some activities that will require you to participate in an online discussion with other course participants. The distance learning component is compulsory and will prepare you for the face-to-face study days. It is estimated that the Klose online training can take up to 45 hours to complete and the 3M online module 2 hours. There are approximately another 25 hours of learning via the LES Learning Management System. You will be given access to the distance learning program approximately 8 weeks prior to the face to face study days.

The Klose and 3M e-learning component will also include formative online quizzes which you must achieve 80% and you have three chances at achieving this. There will also be a variety of short quizzes, pair and share and activities at the beginning of various sessions on the study days to formatively evaluate your learning from the distance-learning component.

As you work through the online modules you will be asked to complete the Klose Training home study module, the 3M Coban 2 lymphoedema education module or visit various websites to complete activities.

The Klose training and Coban 2 modules must be successfully completed prior to the face-to-face days. This is a prerequisite to attend the face-to-face study days.

Face-to-Face Component 

The face-to-face component is made up of 9.0 study days (80 hours). Dissemination of information and skills is via interactive lectures, activities, practical workshops and group discussion. It is an excellent opportunity for you to share your knowledge, skills, ideas and have a forum to troubleshoot a variety of aspects of lymphoedema management. The information for the face-to-face component will be given out on the face-to-face study days.

Participants are required to have 100% attendance throughout the face-to-face component.

The assessment of this course assists the learner in integrating what has been taught. The assessment includes both formative and summative components. There will be a number of opportunities for formative assessment (feedback) both in the distance learning and face-to-face components.

Formative Assessment:

  • Facilitates the development of self-assessment (reflection) in learning;
  • Encourages educator and peer dialogue around learning;
  • Provides opportunities to close the gap between current and desired performance;
  • Delivers high quality information to participants about their learning;
  • Encourages positive motivational beliefs and self-esteem; and
  • Provides information to educators that can be used to help shape the teaching.

Summative Assessment

The summative assessment tasks allow the learner to show that they have gained mastery of content, knowledge, and skills. It is another opportunity for the learner to be aware of what they have a good grasp of and what requires further exploration.

The summative assessment will comprise of:

  • Online quizzes for each of the online modules of Klose Training and Coban 2;
  • Practical examination of manual lymphatic drainage and bandaging for a specific case study;
  • Objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) that will have four stations which will assess the following topics:
    • Fitting a compression garment and teaching the examiner how to apply and remove it with appropriate home instructions;
    • Measuring the circumferences of a limb;
    • Applying an appropriate compression wrap on an arm and leg and answering clinical reasoning questions about compression wraps;
    • Theory examination.
  • Case study assignment that will be due 4 weeks after completion of the face-to-face study days. This will require the practitioner in their workplace to assess and develop a treatment plan for a client with lymphoedema. Detailed assessment criteria will be provided.

Upon successfully completing the course the participant will be provided with a certificate of completion. This course is endorsed by the Australasian Lymphology Association and upon successful completion of this course the participant will be eligible to register on the National Lymphoedema Practitioners Register

Participants who fail any part of the summative assessment will need to be re-examined in that part within six months of the original exam at the participant’s expense. If the participant fails again it is recommended that the participant repeat the entire course. If the participant is unable to meet with the instructor for the exam due to geographic reasons then a suitably qualified instructor will be appointed to officiate at the examination.

This course requires a minimum number of 14 participants and has a maximum number of 20.

  • Access to the comprehensive LES online Learning Management System, which provides an interactive and collaborative environment
  • Klose and 3M online training
  • Course material for the face-to-face component
  • Exploring compression solutions including Coban 2 bandaging, intermittent pneumatic compression and a comprehensive range of compression garment options
  • Resources including assessment forms, exercise booklets and much more to enable you to get started upon successful course completion
  • Access to companies that provide products used in lymphoedema management
  • All morning / afternoon teas and lunches during the face-to face component

The following agreement is made between the participant registering for the course (as indicated on this registration form) and Lymphoedema Education Solutions (LES).

Payment and Refund Policy 

On receipt of full payment each participant will receive a confirmation email and a receipt for payment. A tax invoice will be provided on complete payment of the full course amount.

The deposit of $1000.00 is required to secure your place. You will receive an invoice about eight (8) weeks prior to the commencement of the distance learning component requesting the deposit. The total amount is due four (4) weeks prior to the distance learning component beginning. A place will not be held in the course without confirmation of receipt of a deposit. You will receive the distance learning log in details approximately six (6) weeks prior to the face-to-face study days. Please note that $90.00 (GST inclusive) is non-refundable. After receipt of the distance learning log on details $700.00 will become non-refundable. Withdrawal of a course participant after the face-to-face study days have started, but prior to 50% completion of the study days, will result in a refund of 50% of the entire tuition. The total amount will become non-refundable after 50% of the class is completed regardless of the reason for withdrawal.

Course cancellation

Notification of cancellations must be sent by post or email All cancellations incur an administration fee of $90 (GST inclusive).

Places are limited and minimum and maximum course numbers apply. All workshop practical sessions are completed in pairs and therefore even numbers are required.

In the unlikely event of a course being cancelled, prior to commencement of the online learning, all course fees, including the deposit, will be refunded.

Scope of Practice

The applicant acknowledges and understands that the course is designed for practitioners with suitable existing health professional qualifications.  The course description identifies which types of health professional qualifications are required.  The applicant undertakes to the course provider that it is suitably qualified in accordance with the course prerequisites and holds a current registration.

Course Materials

All materials provided in courses and workshops are protected by Copyright and intellectual property laws.

Reproduction and re-transmission of the materials, in whole or part, in any manner, without prior consent of the copyright holder, is a violation of copyright law. Individuals must preserve any copyright or other notices contained in or associated with the materials. Users may not distribute copies to others, whether or not in electronic form, whether or not for charge or consideration, without prior written consent of the copyright holder of the materials.

Privacy Policy

We respect your personal information and your privacy is important to us. We will use our best efforts to protect your personal information from unauthorised access.  We may use your personal information to contact you from time to time about products and services we think you may be interested in.  Part of the course involves communicating via email with other course participants and for this reason you agree that your email address may be shared with other course participants.  We may give your details to course sponsors and exhibitors unless you ask us not to.  Please ask us if you have any queries about providing your personal information.

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